
Meet the writers, artists, and other creative masters behind Grimmcore Studios' horror comics!

  • CEO & Founder

    Daniel Grimm is a writer, editor, and publisher who's worked in comics since 2019, editing several award-winning comics and managing multiple successful crowdfunding campaigns. In 2023, he created Grimmcore Studios, an independent publisher dedicated to developing underground horror comics. Daniel is extremely passionate about telling interesting, exciting horror stories and helping creatives develop the best comics in the industry.

  • Writer

    Rafael Flores Jr. is an award-winning Chicano writer and Librarian from DFW Texas. He was a Double Finalist in the Negative Space Short Comic Competition in 2022 with his first two short comics, "The Return of Camazotz" and "Mother Wolf and Cubs". He studied Cinematic Comic Book Writing at the Joe Kubert School, taught by Blake Northcott, Editor-in-Chief of Massive Publishing. His first published work was his short comic, "The Return of Camazotz" released by SDSU, Pacific Review’s first-ever Graphic Edition in 2023. Rafael has a passion for telling Gothic tales with Mesoamerican mythology and themes.

  • Artist

    Azrael Aguiar is an independent illustrator and comic artist active in the industry since 2017. He had his first formal participation with drawings for a comic from the "Periferia Cyberpunk" anthology. He graduated in Comics at Quanta Academia de Arte in 2019, and has also participated in the "VHS horror" anthology which won the 2019 HQ Mix Award. He's participated in other independent works and is in partnership with several writers. He is currently working on some comics for Mamakoosa, books for Stroud Production Company and developing the authorial project entitled "MAURIAX".

  • Artist & Graphic Designer

    Alejandro is a comic book artist and freelance illustrator. After graduating as an architect in 2018, he soon said goodbye to his career to dedicate himself body and soul to his real passion: drawing comics. For more than 10 years he's worked for different publishers as a graphic designer. As an illustrator he's worked in over twenty titles, including "The Book that Dies" and "Auliya" published in Mexico. He participated in the French-Belgian comics collection "Kronikas, L'inventaire imaginaire" in 2022 and 2023. In 2024 he debuted as an art restorer in the anthology "Screams From the Past - Forbidden Horror Comics" for Grimmcore Studios.

  • Letterer & Graphic Designer

    Mason is a comic book and horror lover with 10 years in graphic design experience. After entering the comic book industry in 2020, he's contributed work to publishers such as Grimmcore Studios, Konkret Comics, Bear Max Press, Alpha Comics, and more.

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