The Return of Camazotz #2, the sequel of the Gothic horror comic published by Grimmcore Studios, is live on Kickstarter. The story follows twin brothers who try to survive the attack of the ancient Mayan god of vampires, Camazotz, after awakening the demon god in an accident.
The comic was created and written by Rafael Flores Jr. and illustrated by Azrael Aguiar. The publisher describes the series as “what would happen if Dario Argento took a trip to Mexico, did a bunch of peyote, and made a comic book!” Originally published in October 2023, The Return of Camazotz has been praised by fans and critics alike for its great art, horror visuals, gothic influences, psychedelic imagery, references to Mayan mythology, and compelling characters. The comic currently has 3.K views on GlobalComix, and a 5-Star review score on Amazon Kindle and Barnes & Noble. The Return of Camazotz has been featured on many news outlets like Daily Dead News, Fanbase Press, and the award-winning podcast Dads from the Crypt multiple times.
This new issue includes exclusive cover art by Marvel and Dynamite Comics artist Ariel Medel, independent artist Cayetano Valenzuela of Black Rabbit Studio, and comic artist Alejandro Samada, featuring homages to classic horror comics and movies. The campaign also offers access to issue 1 of the comic for new readers, as well as copies of the pre-code horror comic anthology Screams from the Past and official Grimmcore Studios merch.
The campaign will run from October 1st, 2024 to October 31st. Don’t miss out and order your copy of this critically-acclaimed horror comic today!
1 comment
Loved the comic just wondering when the next issue will be out and if there’s a subscription I can join for future releases!?!?